Month: November 2014

  • Foot All the Age of The Footer

    Remember the days when the website footer was what its name implied about an inch at the bottom of a web page. So why oh why has it increased to ridiculous proportions on many a website one might ask; even to the extent of filling half a screen? Of course the content there on these…

  • The Slemnec Stone (Episode 2)

    Panic struck him when the key jammed in its hole. Forcing himself to relax a little he tried again. A sigh of relief escaped him as the door creaked open. The key must have been slightly imperfect due to heat deformation of the plaster cast or something. That was one answer to the hindrance but…

  • The Allegory of Altebon The Hugglian

    A long time ago and many light years away on the planet Huggleh lived a young Hugglian called Altebon. Unfortunately Altebon was born a freak of nature in respect to his fellow planet Hugglians who really were quite ugly in that he was extremely good looking, but as if that wasn’t a cross enough to…

  • The Slemnec Stone (Episode 1)

    This is a novel I started to write some 20 years ago after leaving Manchester University. A few samples of the opening chapters will be published on this blog and the rest will be available on amazon kindle soon. CHAPTER 1. Professor Heinkel watched the lit university as he shivered hiding in the bushes flanking…